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Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council decision under further scrutiny

Following a community meeting, a rare device has been dusted off in Hadley & Leegomery by residents unhappy with the way the Parish Council has been making decisions.

A Parish Poll can be forced by members of the public to ask the electorate their opinion a matter relating to an issue in the parish. In the case of Hadley and Leegomery Parish Council, this poll relates to the controversial decision to sell the Cemetery Lodge.

The question being put to locals is ““Hadley & Leegomery Parish Council have removed the requirement to consult with residents on the sale of assets from their Financial Regulations. Should the council consult with residents on the sale of Hadley Cemetery Lodge and on the sale of other assets such as the community centre in future?”

Telford Live! reported on this at the time: https://www.telford-live.com/2024/03/concern-over-councils-decision-to-sell-property/

The instigator of the Parish Poll, Stuart Parr, told Telford Live! “The poll was inspired by the refusal to consult on selling the lodge but the question is on the bigger issue of consulting with residents before selling off assets owned by the parish.

“If they’re prepared to sell off the cemetery lodge despite a thousand signature petition against it, what’s to stop them selling off the chapel or the community centre?

“We have a right to be listened to, not to be told that being elected means you can do what you want for the next 4 years or dismissed as a vocal minority.”

While the outcome of the poll is not binding, will it send a strong enough message to the Council & the Councillors who are ultimately responsible for the sale of Parish-owned assets?

The poll takes place between 4pm and 9pm on Weds 26th June and you can vote at the following locations:

Hadley Community Centre, High Street, Hadley, Telford TF1 5NL

Hadley Old Folks Rest Room, Hadley Park Road, Hadley, Telford TF1 6PW

St Lawrence’s Church, Centre of the Village, Preston upon the Weald Moors, Newport, TF6 6DH

The Leegate Centre CIC, Leegate Avenue, Leegomery, Telford TF1 6NA

Portacabin at Telford Crossfit, Castle Street, Hadley TF1 5RA

There are no polling cards being sent out and no postal votes allowed.

Pic: Telford Live!

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