Telford News

Hospital Trust respond to documentary

The hard-hitting undercover documentary that was shown on Channel4 this evening was filmed at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital A&E.

Before the show was aired, and having not seen the programme, SaTH commented “As with other hospitals, our Trust is facing significant challenges with urgent and emergency care. We understand our challenges and are investing in our services and making steady improvements as a Trust, as noted in our recent CQC report. However, there is still much more to do; we do not want to be in a position where we are caring for patients on corridors. We are very sorry that our patients have experienced anything less than the quality care we strive for, and we are determined, working with partners, to improve the care and experience for everyone. Our colleagues are working incredibly hard to maintain safe services and we are grateful for everything they are doing to support our patients in this difficult working environment.

“Whilst we dispute some of the claims made in the Dispatches programme, we will fully investigate all of the claims to identify and embed any learning into our continuous improvement work. We remain committed to being open and transparent with our patients and staff and encourage anyone with concerns to contact our PALS team.”

The Hospital Transformation Plan will see Urgent Care remain at Telford PRH, and Accident and Emergency moved to Shrewsbury after a £300million expenditure.

Pic: Telford Live

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