Young Britain Gets a Boost
An initiative to kick-start youth enterprise across Shropshire has been given a boost thanks to the generosity of a leading local design company.
Young Britain, a non-profit organisation aimed at helping the under 24s into work through self-employment or entrepreneurship, has been given a helping hand in the form of a brand new website designed by Telford-based Vista Design, part of APT Solutions, a specialist supplier of software and services to the non-profit sector.
The local partnership has seen the launch of the new website, which has helped to showcase the support that Young Britain provides youngsters across the region in making their business dreams a reality, and to highlight the real opportunities available to the younger generations in Shropshire.

Fay Easton, Shropshire’s StartUp Britain Local Champion and Co-Founder of Young Britain, said: “We would like to offer our wholehearted thanks to the team at Vista Design who have not only offered their services, support and advice and guidance to us completely free of charge, but have provided us with a fantastic portal with which we can promote the work we are doing across the local communities.
“Our new website is fresh, innovative and informative, and we know will appeal to the many talented youngsters across the region who we would like to offer our support to in becoming the hugely successful entrepreneurs they deserve to be.”
Young Britain helps to steer young people away from unemployment by providing everything they need to effectively ‘make their own job’ and become a self-employed entrepreneur, including help in securing start up loans, business advice, workshops and ongoing mentoring.
Mark Hulme, Director of Vista Design, said: “Young Britain is an inspirational organisation which is helping many young people step onto the ladder of self-employment, and like them, we are hugely passionate about providing them with the best possible opportunities. We were delighted to be able to impart our years of experience of working within the non-profit sector to this hugely worthwhile project and hope that the end product helps many more gifted young people to become successful businessmen and women.”