Telford walking group reaches new peak
Mark Tarran, manager at Telford Shopping Centre’s independent outdoor clothing and equipment store, All Terrain, is celebrating the success of his walking club which has grown to almost 300 members in the last 12 months.

All Terrain Walkers meet regularly, with a night walk taking place during the week and a longer walk at the weekend. Routes vary to suit the mixed abilities of the group’s members, from short, steady walks around the Wrekin, to more challenging walks – these could be as local as Bramble Park in Telford or may even involve a trip to the outer reaches of Shropshire and surrounding areas. The group also organises a number of special events throughout the year, with a 25 mile walk at the Yorkshire Three Peaks already planned for June 2014.
Mark Tarran explained the reasons behind the popularity of All Terrain Walkers. “I first started the walking group as a means of keeping myself fit and well, and because I enjoy meeting and mixing with like-minded people who enjoy exploring the outdoors,” Mark said.
“It’s been very rewarding to see the group grow, mainly through word-of-mouth, and it seems many members share my attitude towards staying active and getting out and about to walk the wonderful footpaths, fields and peaks we have here in Shropshire and beyond.
“The group is very diverse in terms of ages and abilities; however there is a great sense of camaraderie with people sharing tips and advice, and the walks are designed to appeal to a range of fitness levels. The group dynamic provides both amateur and experienced walkers with support and encouragement, and our female members in particular welcome the opportunity to be able to safely walk on a dark evening.
“The winter weather rarely puts us off – the only conditions we will not walk in are lightning and high winds – so those who are interested in joining can get involved straight away. We are always happy to welcome new members.”
Chris Jones, Centre Director at Telford Shopping Centre, said: “It never ceases to amaze me how energetic and enthusiastic the retailers here in Telford are, and it is clear to see that Mark’s passion for walking and the outdoors has inspired so many others over recent months.
“All Terrain Walkers has quickly grown in popularity, there is a real buzz around the group and and I am sure they will continue to be joined by many more keen walkers who want to experience the stunning Shropshire landscape.”
All Terrain at Telford Shopping Centre is located on New Row. The independently owned and operated outdoor clothing and equipment retailer offers a range of brands to suit all budgets together with specialist advice and information. For details of the next walking group destination or to join visit