Telford News

Even more parking cameras for Telford

Another Telford supermarket concerned about their car parks being abused is planning on installing ANPR parking cameras to improve access for shoppers.

Parking cameras are becoming a more popular way for controlling parking, with Wilkinsons and Staples introducing them, although Wilkinsons did adjust their timings recently to allow pub goers and diners to park freely after the store had closed.

Aldi in Grooms Alley, Wellington is the latest in a growing list of shops and retail parks who are working with parking enforcement companies to control parking.  Aldi, who have three stores in Telford and one in Newport said that parking camera systems at their Donnington store were rejected and there are no current plans for introduction at their latest Snedshill store either.

An Aldi spokesperson said that there was no set date for introduction and no infrastructure was yet in place.  The parking company responsible for enforcing parking restrictions at most Aldi stores is Parking Eye.  Aldi and Parking Eye have come under fire on Facebook and forums from customers who have been caught out with fines in other parts of the UK, although Aldi state ‘If you have received a charge and would like to appeal, you can contact us at or by sending us a private message here on our Page. Parking Eye also has a fair appeals process and customers can appeal directly with them. Please include any proof of purchase you may hold as this will assist us in your appeal.’

Will this put you off using Aldi in Wellington?

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4 thoughts on “Even more parking cameras for Telford

  • Wellington has a major parking problem. As a independent trader in Wellington all I hear from customers is they have had difficulty parking some have even given up, gone home and tried again another day I have many customers who park on Aldi’s car park and visit us only takes them 20min if Aldi erects parking cameras as well as Wilkinson’s it’s just more nails in the coffin lid of Wellington. RIP Wellington

  • Lets look at Root Cause Analysis – it is obvious that people are parking there (although not shopping) because there are a lack of public car parking facilities in towns. It is up to the Town Council to attract customers and one of the weapons they can utilise is creating public car parking facilities. No customers = no shopping = ghost town!

  • I will check this
    If my memory is correct the car park was handed over to Aldi with the condition that there should be NO restrictions to the general public. (this was always a free public park prior to Aldi)

  • We visited Aldi the week before Christmas to do Christmas food shopping but were unaware that there was a maximum time limit of 90 minutes, hence receiving a £70 parking fine today as we slightly exceeded the time. Not happy about this and will not be returning to shop in Aldi.


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