Telford News

Who should you vote for in Telford?

On June 8th, you have a decision to make.  Who will you vote for in the General Election?  In Telford you have a choice of 4 candidates,  and I interviewed them all to get their views on the issues that you told me, concerned you the most; Health, Brexit & Economy, and Education.  See what they had to say.

Lucy Allan – Conservative

Kuldip Sahota – Labour

Luke Shirley – Green Party

I did contact Susan King from the Liberal Democrats but was unavailable for interview in the timeframe.


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One thought on “Who should you vote for in Telford?

  • Seriously shameful pandering from TelfordLive. This makes the Shropshire Star efforts to block readers questions last Friday look positively lame. Perhaps he wasn’t joking about asking them for a job‽

    Andy claimed he wouldnt be afraid to ask the difficult questions then produced this unbelievably biased party political broadcast for Lucy Allan.

    Not a mention of changing constituents emails?
    Not a mention of her voting record in her Banker husbands interests?
    Not a mention of her voting to cut ESA disability benefit by £30/week?
    Not a mention of her comments about her constituents being uneducated hillbillies?
    Not a mention of her staging photos with imaginary supporters?
    Not a mention of her missing the hustings & lying about not being invited?

    Given that Lucy Allan was the last person to be interviewed you have to question whether she had the opportunity to view the other videos and write the questions herself.

    One Conclusion that is quite clear from this video. Despite his claims to be impartial Andy is 100% a Tory and quite obviously a personal friend of Lucy Allan!

    TelfordLive has lost all credibility with its biased coverage of this election.


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