Telford News

Oscar and Rio, Shropshire Youth for Europe demonstrating outside the Brexit Part

Oscar and Rio, Shropshire Youth for Europe demonstrating outside the Brexit Party event today.

All good natured apart from the odd finger from the passing cars, and the odd Bollocks to Brexit.

Shropshire Youth for Europe

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37 thoughts on “Oscar and Rio, Shropshire Youth for Europe demonstrating outside the Brexit Part

  • Poor, deluded children conned into thinking the European Empire is a force for good.

  • Well done, it takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, especially with such hostile people around.

  • Democracy is not 17,410,742 people telling 16,141,241 others “my way or the high way”. This entire farce is embarrassing for all of us

  • These two people demonstrating won’t have any effect in Telford, Shropshire as a whole area voted to leave by a margin of 23000. What’s interesting is I wonder whether they support the Lib Dems or Labour as Lib Dems have overtaken labour now according to Professor John Curtis

  • People shouldn’t be abusive towards these kids, it’s not their fault they’ve been manipulated. The Remainers have obviously been taking a leaf out of the global warming lot’s book and are using kids to front their campaign so they can accuse anyone who criticises them of bullying children. Classic propaganda technique

  • Swampy and his mate not old enough 2 vote but giving it the Billy big 1 looks like a future tree hugging doogooder

  • If you feel that strongly about something, regardless of age or what a bunch of uneducated dinosaurs think, you should go out and protest. There not hurting anyone by doing it and we live in a Country that allows you protest. Good luck to them.

  • 70 years ago that lot would of handed over the secret plans of D day if it ment saving there own agenda

  • Well done to them. Takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, especially with the likelihood of abuse from those that support Brexit.

  • Has anyone noticed that the majority of people protesting against the decision to leave the EU are the young generation who will be more affected by the decision. The very same people who were too young to vote so didn’t get a say. When you look at the stats for the age vote of leaving the whole thing was won by the older generation who will be dead by the time it really affects the choice of our younger generation denying them the right to live and work in Europe so easily and if it all goes as the experts predict and we fall into recession and thousands of jobs are lost, who loses, the young workers again. Good for those two making a stand on what they believe in.

  • I’m bored of these politically motivated posts. The admin of the group is as impartial as the speaker of the house of commons.

  • Maybe he wanted to channel loads of money through Luxembourg to avoid tax when he grows up. That’s essentially what Junker does and the point of the Eu as it is now, meaning any corporation from anywhere in the bloc can base them selves here (eg amazon) and pay less tax. Or as Junker has made a career out of, move millions through it.
    Not quite sure why these kids feel so passionate about tax avoidance.

  • Should the democratic decision of 17.4 million people be overturned and we remain in the Eu then I hope you enjoy your 2 years conscription in the Foreign Legion, it will certainly do you some good!


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