Telford News

Telford & The Wrekin Candidates: The Story So Far

Telford & The Wrekin Candidates: The Story So Far

Here are your choices for the election on December 12th, the party they represent, and their twitter account.

Telford Constituency:
Elaine Adams (Brexit) @ecadams
Lucy Allan (Cons) @lucyallan
Katrina Gilman (Lab) @trinagilman
Shana Roberts (LibDem) @CllrShana

The Wrekin Constituency
Dr Christian Lucas (Brexit) @DrLucas4Brexit
Mark Pritchard (Cons) @MPritchardUK
Thomas Janke (LibDem) @TJanke4Wrekin
Labour have yet to announce their candidate, but the smart money is on Dylan Harrison @Dylan_PRH4Me

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