Telford News

Wrekin Brexit Party Candidate offers to stand down

Wrekin Brexit Party Candidate offers to stand down

Dr Christian Lucas, the Brexit Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Wrekin, has offered to stand aside in an open letter to Mark Pritchard.

Dr Lucas wrote "If you vote against the deal and put your support behind a clean break brexit I am offering to stand aside"

Mark Pritchard MP is unlikely to accept the offer and vote against the deal, despite tweeting that he would like to see the details.

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5 thoughts on “Wrekin Brexit Party Candidate offers to stand down

  • I shall be voting Brexit. I do not trust Mark Pritchard, any more than the Tsar would have trusted Lennon.

  • I hope that Dr Christian Lucas does stand for the Brexit party in my area otherwise how are we going to sweep away the self serving ‘establishment’ that caused this pitiful EU mess in the first place, Signing away all our rights and overcrowding our country was a traitorous thing to do.

  • Within a few months everyone will be demanding to know why we didn’t go for a NO DEAL BREXIT.

    It will become clear in the first months of 2020 when EU negotiators start to play hard-ball during the Transition Period after we’ve “left” the EU at the end of January that Boris signed a Treaty that binds us into the EU for the foreseeable future.

    We’ll have no control over our own borders, taxes, fisheries or laws. The EU will be calling the shots and taking the money (our billions). If we complain the EU will turn to the European Court of Justice (an EU institution) to adjuducate – in their favour!

    Then, everyone will wish they had wised up sooner and hadn’t fallen for the elite trick of insisting that we couldn’t leave without a deal.

    In fact, that’s the only way we CAN truly LEAVE!


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