Telford News

Boris Johnson chooses Telford to launch the Conservative Party Manifesto

Boris Johnson chooses Telford to launch the Conservative Party Manifesto

The Tory Party is bringing all the big hitters to Telford tomorrow to launch the party manifesto.

The event, which is still under wraps, is expected to take place at Telford International Centre on Sunday, when Boris will unveil the plans and ambitions of the conservative party in the forthcoming general election.

Jeremy Corbyn also chose Telford earlier this month to launch the Labour party manifesto.

Telford is what's known as a key marginal seat. 720 more people voted for Conservative candidate Lucy Allan, than Labours Kuldip Sahota in 2017.

Your vote in Telford does count, and we'll be broadcasting a live panel debate where you can hear from all your candidates via Facebook Live.

Telford: 7pm 3rd December
With Lucy Allan, Katrina Gilman and Shana Roberts

Wrekin: 7pm 4th December
With Tim Dawes, Dylan Harrison, Thomas Janke and Mark Pritchard

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33 thoughts on “Boris Johnson chooses Telford to launch the Conservative Party Manifesto

  • Dear depressing. As if living under Tory regime isnt bad enough we get lumbered with this. What dickhead in Tory HQ thought “oh yes lets go to the place thats really angry about the loss of their A and E and womens and childrens centre..when we are promising to build 40 new hospitals but only renovating six”..excellent idea.

    • It’s Corbyns home constituency. Why wouldn’t he start here!

  • I wonder how many times he’ll say “Get Brexit done, We have a deal that’s oven ready, or coalition of chaos”

  • I think he’s got a damn cheek coming here when the Tories are responsible for the massive underfunding our local NHS! And we’ve got Tory candidates in Allan and Pritchard trying to tell us that downgrading our A & E and closing our consultant led Women and Children’s Centre is a good thing!!

  • Only yesterday he refused to apologise for his racist and homophobic newspaper columns on live tv. He should not be welcomed to Telford to perpetuate more hatred and lies.

    • When then? What time? I have some questions for this man who wants my vote.

  • What was it the lady said? “Filthy piece of toe-rag”. I think I concur. Get his lying face off my newsfeed.

  • All a bunch of liars! Promise the world until they get elected then dont follow through with their promises! Who to believe ???

  • You mean to say that Mark Pritchard actually exists and isn’t just an invisible MP?

  • Although I am not defending the Tory’s , Lucy Allen appears to to only one fighting for justice in the Sexual exploitation scandal that has been allowed to happen under our noses in Telford and Wrekin . Good for you Lucy, not in my constituency , and still unsure what way to vote. Looking deep for some truths about our future . Shame the Wrekin leaflet that was used thorough my door had ZERO details o climate change .

  • Brilliant Keep Telford Blue

  • Gosh Lucy Allan and Mark Pritchard must be struggling if they need this kind of intervention. Telford isn’t fooled by this obvious attempt to improve the useless local MPs chances of re-election. This could be the first time all year you would actually find Mark Pritchard in the local area.

    I bet Mr Johnson gives some vague assurance that he will try to do something about the A and E and Women and Children’s unit and as soon as he is down the M54 he will continue with the closures. He is well known for promising and then making excuses or blaming others. He will likely say it Mr Corbyns fault that we have to drive 20 miles to A and E.

    Telford will not be fooled by silly slogans and false promises. The Tories don’t help the poor and don’t care about the NHS.

  • Hi I want to attend the event. How do I get a ticket?

  • The whole of the government is a bag fucking shit, taking money from the people, and only thinking about the foreigners coming in to this country and taking now money and free national health care.


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