Telford News

"State-of-the-art" Midwife Led Unit for PRH lifted into place.

"State-of-the-art" Midwife Led Unit for PRH lifted into place.

The building which will house a new state-of-the-art Midwife Led Unit (MLU) at the Princess Royal Hospital (PRH) in Telford has been lifted into place.

The new MLU, which is being created next to the Consultant Led Unit, will also allow The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH), which runs PRH, to create additional beds to ease pressure over the winter months.

Wrekin MLU will move into the purpose-built modular building. The area freed up by the move will be used to create a ward which will cater for acute medical patients, creating more space at PRH over the winter period.
The relocated MLU will include a birthing pool and en-suite bathrooms. It has been designed with the leadership team from the Women and Children’s Care Group.

The new unit is being provided by a specialist company that has worked with NHS organisations across the country, including the Royal Derby and Milton Keynes University hospitals.

The modular building was installed on Saturday and Sunday last week, with a large crane being brought onto the PRH site to lift the components into place.

Wrekin MLU is 30 years old. The new facility will be much more appealing to mums wanting a midwife-led birthing experience, while giving women the reassurance of being closer to the Consultant-led unit.

The moves have been made possible after £4 million of capital funding was secured from the Department of Health.

Paula Clark, Chief Executive at SaTH, said: “We are delighted to have secured this funding to improve facilities for mums using our MLU in Telford and to increase our bed space for the winter.

“I know that, to some people, the term ‘modular building’ conjures up images of the old demountable classrooms we had at school, but these modern facilities are about as far removed from that as you can imagine. They are purpose-built with state-of-the-art facilities and look fantastic.”

The new MLU is expected to open in the New Year.

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14 thoughts on “"State-of-the-art" Midwife Led Unit for PRH lifted into place.

  • We are going back nearly fifty years to when we had midwife lead maternity unit at the Wrekin hospital where most babies in Telford were delivered. It was GP unit where your doctor visited you afterwards but mainly cared for by midwives. Progress?

  • My wife spent a few days in the MLU after the birth of our little girl. A fantastic facility that assisted us hugely in those first days of parenthood. So very pleased to see that it is being funded to continue to offer new, and repeat mums such a great, and now improved facility. Well done SAtH.

  • You have to ask the question why wasn’t midwife unit accommodated when building the consultant unit it made no sense them being opposite sides of the hospital the result was ladies being rushed up public corridors in labour my daughter being one of them she was actively pushing

  • Why when it fine plus we have the big unit other side x when they keep threatening to close down the big mother baby unit x


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