Telford News

“Get Gobby” campaign launches in Telford

“Get Gobby” campaign launches in Telford

Following the start of the independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Telford, local survivors have come together to encourage others to come forward to speak out about any information they have on the exploitation of children locally.

The inquiry is actively looking back as far as 1989, but are still keen to hear about any failings prior to that date.

So what is Get Gobby about?
Having spoken to a number of people, local survivors were growing concerned that evidence would go unheard due to people waiting for the inquiry to contact them, or believing that their evidence isn’t important.

Get Gobby is a campaign that survivors have started, to get people talking again.

After mass media coverage in March 2018, CSE in Telford was making front page news in every newspaper across the country. Rightly, local people we outraged, and started discussing things they had seen or knew about, but hadn’t realised what it was that was happening.

Get Gobby is about getting all of that information fed into the inquiry – nothing is not important.

Lets get talking again, lets GET GOBBY

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One thought on ““Get Gobby” campaign launches in Telford

  • i want to speak to someone regarding this


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