Telford News

PSA Testing

New Prostate Screening date from Lions Club

The Ironbridge Lions are holding another screening event, and have introduced a booking system to reduce the waiting time.

The event will take place on Monday 9th of March at the Abraham Darby Acadamy.

Men over 50, men over 40 with a family history of the disease, and men over 45 with an African or West Indian heritage are encouraged to go for screening.

Testing involves a very simple blood test and all local men in categories ‘at risk’ from the disease are being urged to attend the event and get checked.“It has been proven that early diagnosis of prostate cancer results in better outcomes,” says Lion John Marsh, “and that is why every man in an ‘at risk’ category should come along and get checked.

I would ask that if you have a male relative who might not be computer confident, please tell them about this event and help them to book on.

A spokesman said "The system allows you to book an appointment for your test in one of 8, 15-minute slots between 6.30 and 8.30"

Although previous men taking part would often queue outside for over an hour, I heard no-one complain.

To make a booking go to https;//, complete the registration process & scroll down the list of events to the Ironbridge Lions event on 9th March.

PSA Testing

We help to run events that enable men to have a simple blood test that may indicate whether or not they have a possible problem with their prostate and should take further action via their GP.

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One thought on “PSA Testing

  • How do you book an appointment we are always there early so do we need to ?


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