Telford News

First case of Coronavirus in Shropshire

First case of Coronavirus in Shropshire

BBC are reporting that Shropshire has had its first case of Coronavirus confirmed.

Patient was reportedly travelling through Italy and returned to Shropshire.

Katie Spence, Deputy Director, Health Protection, Public Health England, West Midlands, said:“Public Health England is contacting people who had close contact with one of the latest confirmed cases of COVID-19. The case is a resident within Shropshire Council local authority area who became infected whilst travelling in Italy. Close contacts will be given health advice about symptoms and emergency contact details to use if they become unwell in the 14 days after contact with the confirmed case. This tried and tested method will ensure we are able to minimise any risk to them and the wider public.

“We will not be commenting further on the details of this particular case due to need to protect patient confidentiality.”

Pic: Stock Image. Not the patient.

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6 thoughts on “First case of Coronavirus in Shropshire

  • Why was a person traveling from Italy recently allowed the freedom to return to Shropshire unchecked and untested for coronavirus. This was clearly a bad mistake – how many as a result are now infected and may have passed it on to even more people.

    • I think most people will be unaffected by the virus so we perhaps should not be too hasty in condemning people. Where should they go if they are infected except home. It seems that the death rate is no worse than for flu. It’s just lack of immunity, I think it stands to have a bigger impact on the economy and the BUS than on the mortality rate. Over 60s have more option to isolate themselves than the working population, and they are among the most vulnerable.

  • I think it’s disgusting, we should be doing what Italy is doing and going into lockdown it’s the only way to stop the spread. Stop all the flights in and out of this country.
    The trouble is the government will always put money first which is why we should learn a lesson from Italy and act now before it gets out of hand and more lives will be lost.

    • It’s because of silly comments like these, that people are going into panic mode, it’s still just a bloody virus, what is the point of going on lock down, no point at all. I would rather get it then build up an immunity. The media have turned people into scared little sheep

      • It’s alright saying that if your fit and healthy? for those who have underlying health problems it’s terrifying and they can’t afford just to dismiss it as just a virus it’s far more serious than that.

  • Shrewsbury college group sent home a student on Monday who Is currently being bring tested for Covid-19 and awaiting results. He was allowed into college after he returned from the Italian school trip with me.
    He’s in really good spirits and his self isolating. The college told us not come in Tuesday, but to be honest we had used the bridges cafe and buses so we didn’t think it was a big deal.


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