Telford News

Contribute your lockdown stories

Contribute your lockdown stories

A Wellington entertainer has launched a social writing project to document what the people of the town are doing during the current Coronavirus lockdown.

Street performer Corri Lee, who has penned novels in the past, says that writing can be therapeutic and has urged as many people as possible to contribute.

“These are unprecedented times and I want to record how Wellington people coped with, and what they did, during the lockdown of 2020,” explains Corri.

Her aim is to create a book that encompasses as many people’s 'life memories' during the pandemic from in and around the Wellington area, and also help to alleviate the strain on mental health by suggesting a healthy creative outlet.

She is asking people to submit their funny or interesting memories/anecdotes based on their current views and experiences of the Coronavirus situation and their greatest challenges and hopes for the future.

"These are just suggestions…people are welcome to write their COVID-19 story however they please,” she said.

“By writing at all, people are already doing wonders for their mental health by verbalising their feelings in a healthy, non-destructive way and not bottling up feelings during this time.

“People may also surprise themselves by finding that writing is ‘their thing’ and that they could write a book of their own. This could be a stepping stone to a new career, or just a constructive way to use up half an hour.

“Either way, they will have contributed to a worthy cause and will forever have bragging rights to being ‘a published writer’. Everyone’s a winner!” she added.

Sally Themans of Love Wellington said: "These are uncharted times and when Corri approached Love Wellington about this project we thought it was a brilliant idea and a great way to record for posterity how the people of Wellington reacted to and coped with the Covid-19 lockdown. Corri is well known in the town and I really hope that lots of people of all different ages will contribute."

Corri is not imposing a word limit, but says stories up to 500 words will work best and that photographs and artwork can be included.

She commented: “Over time I will go through them all to build up a rich picture of personal anecdotes from Wellington during the Coronavirus outbreak. It’s a wonderful place to live, very community minded and full of creative types so I hope there will be a good response.
“By sending in any information participants are agreeing to its possible use in the book, which I hope to publish at the end of May, and I hope all the memories will be used.”

She also aims to help the community by asking for a minimum £1 donation per story, with all proceeds donated back into local charities working to support people during the crisis.

Anyone interested in sending their story should email it to

Follow Corri on Facebook for the full story, updates and further information at or on 07492 557757.

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