Telford News

Councillor calls on MP to back £29 extra a day for frontline NHS staff

Councillor calls on MP to back £29 extra a day for frontline NHS staff

Wrekin parliamentary spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats Thomas Janke has called on the Wrekin’s MP to back a campaign to reward NHS staff for putting themselves in harm’s way.

Iraq veteran Cllr Janke has asked Mark Pritchard MP to support a campaign to reward NHS and care staff on the front line of the COVID-19 fight with £29 per day extra – the same reward active armed forces personnel receive for active deployment.

“When my unit was deployed on Operation Telic in Iraq, the country recognised the danger we were facing, and was rewarded financially with an additional £29 a day on top of our salaries,” Cllr Janke highlighted.

“It may not sound like much, but it is at least an important gesture that recognises personnel putting themselves in harm’s way. Those amazing doctors and nurses are now on the front line in this new war against COVID-19 and are risking their lives every day, they too deserve our recognition.”

The campaign, launched by the Liberal Democrats, also calls for a package of measures to support health and care staff, including more urgency in tackling the shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE), and government support for the funerals of staff who die in service.

“When our NHS staff are facing this unprecedented threat on our behalf, in some cases without the protection they need, I think it is time to reach out across party boundaries, and pull together to demand that these heroes are given the support and recognition they deserve,” emphasised Cllr Janke.

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36 thoughts on “Councillor calls on MP to back £29 extra a day for frontline NHS staff

  • I don’t agree to some extend what about everyone else who is out working during this?? My husband classed as a Key worker won’t get anything as he isn’t in a Care setting yet has to provide the hospitals with vital equipment in case of a power failure!!

  • Of course they should get more, they are the ones risking their health every day to help others…. cant see it happening though unfortunately.

  • Yes they definitely deserve it so do the community nurses but what about carers etc we are working day and night without face masks and are bosses are struggling to get us basic ppe

  • What about all of the other key workers and workers that are keeping the economy just ticking over? Or the engineers working to produce ventilators, components and PPE?

    Nobody ever remembers them.

  • We must start somewhere to give recognition to our key workers. I fully support this move. Well done Cllr Thomas Janke

  • I hope you are going to help fund it by giving your Mps promised 10k payrise away

  • Good idea, but the problems is clear by just reading a few comments. Everyone will feel entitled rather than see it for what it is. “Key Workers” is the phrase that kills this great idea, everyone still working will have their hand out.

  • Just to treated with more compassion and respect by the government would be enough I’m sure?

    The NHS workers have been vilified by the Tory Party and some newspapers for years.

    It’s disgusting.

  • they deserve some kind of bonus. Paddy Mccartney. what sort of job do you do ? just asking.

  • I mean this is a good thing but how about a campaign to scrap the student finance debts of the Student Nurses that will be qualifying this year?
    They are being pulled in to help with the pandemic yet the only “bonus” they get it being paid a lower band until they qualify while still putting themselves at risk. The NHS needs the student Nurses to be coming through, they’ve acknowledged this by bringing back the bursary, leaving a 2 year window of students that have accumulated a huge student debt, is this really fair??
    Please help us fight for what’s right and scrap all student debt for these students.

  • The NHS does have an extremely generous pension for all staff you know

  • No
    The right motivation but the wrong solution
    We shouldnt have to be killing and risking our front line carers to start to use military like ‘active service’ payments… the battle/war analogies are just rhetoric
    Instead let’s just fund health and social care properly through realistic taxation that supports a proportion of wealth distribution
    Properly for need services and a closing of the inequality divide at the same time

  • I disagree with this.
    Right motivation but wrong solution as someone else mentioned.
    Where will the money come from. And quite rightly what about all the other key workers?
    Theres hundreds of kind people and businesses out there already providing the NHS and other services free meals etc. Appreciation in itself goes along way. Equally the money will end up coming from the likes of people that havent been supported through this process too. 10k expenses to work from home is far too much. They probably already have laptops and phones what more do they need???

  • Exactly where do you think this money is coming from it will all have to be paid back in the end through tax

  • How would it work for NRP who pay CMS, they would end up being at a bigger loss as with be classed as extra income.
    They are basically working extra hours whilst this pandemic is going on & once it comes to review date for them they will be penalized for the next 12 months.

  • I see where you are coming from Thomas, the health workers along with others deserve some recognition.

  • Idiot pretend politician, jumping of the “I want to be famous” bandwagon without really thinking about it, so sad


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