Telford News

Thank you to the NHS

Thank you to the NHS

Telford & Wrekin Council together with partners Balfour Beatty have prepared a special thank you message to everyone working for the NHS at the Princess Royal Hospital.

The message Thank You NHS has been painted on the road surface at the entrance and exits to the hospital.

Council leader Councillor Shaun Davies said: “It is an absolute pleasure to be able to show our appreciation to the legends working at the Princess Royal Hospital at this incredibly difficult time.”

Councillor Lee Carter, Telford & Wrekin Council’s cabinet member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “We are delighted to be able to say thank you to all the NHS staff who are bravely looking after our resdents during this pandemic.

“I would also like to thank Balfour Beatty for doing a fantastic job with the marking.”

Tonight, Telford & Wrekin Council are suggesting that people sing D:Reams Things can only get better as well as clapping and making noise for the NHS at 8pm.

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22 thoughts on “Thank you to the NHS

  • Disgusting, wast of time, money and resources.
    If I did this I would get arrested and charged for graffiting a public place and charged for the removal of it

  • I saw this today, I thought it was a lovely gesture and made me proud as I drove into the hospital.

  • All is well and good doing that for the Nhs and everyone’s banging on about the NHS and carers but do all these government people forget about the bloody truck drivers who are delivering all the equipment food water supplies etc to keep the country moving or do we just get shrugged off same as we always do

  • I saw this today as I drove my partner in. A lovely gesture, sadly it doesn’t make up for the shambolic service received from the maternity service. Sent from pillar to post, one end of the hospital to the other past loads of potential virus victims twice. Nobody has a clue what’s going on or where anything is, whether the appointment is on or off. They are really living up to their reputation of dangerously shambolic service again.

  • I’m sorry but whilst I am thankful for the NHS I’m a little over all of the thank yous, where are all of the thank yous for the carers working their ass’s off with little ppe who are still having to work, along with many other key works who don’t get a mention I assume these messages will be written in the roads outside of their premises as well….

  • Gosh there are some harsh and hideous comments on this post….ok so some of you key workers aren’t in the spotlight quite as much as the NHS workers and you too are appreciated by many….also you should be thankful that you are still able to WORK and have a proper wage and a job to go to….didn’t think of that side of it did you.

  • Nice sentiments by [a cash strapped] T&W Council but why couldn’t this be a roadside banner? Aren’t road signs supposed to “authorised” pattern under The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 ; prescribed by these Regulations, to inform, instruct and warn drivers?


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