Telford News

Telford Cops break up Lockdown Rave

Telford Cops break up Lockdown Rave

Telford Police were alerted to a mass gathering in one of Telford's popular parks last night.

It was reported that up to 70 people were attending an open air event that featured a DJ set up in Granville Country Park.

The Police took to twitter to say 'We have worked so hard and sacrificed so much and this group decide it doesn't apply. I'm shocked that people would care so little.

'I asked one of them why they came to this event. "I'm sick of self isolation"

Police also stopped two off road motorcycles in the area.

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26 thoughts on “Telford Cops break up Lockdown Rave

  • Were they social distancing as we are told we can go and have fun as long as 2 meteres apart.

  • Good to hear that something has been done. God help the families of these kids. Also the knock on effect of little brothers and sisters back at school on 1st June. Then the teachers and first aiders and TA’s. Xx

  • I’m fed up of Lockdown too. But do you know what I’m more fed up with? Hundreds of people dying each day.

  • I think second lockdown coming but put it at 50 % of your wage only then they might think twice

  • Anyone old enough to organise this kind of grouping is old enough to know better. It is seems futile in some instances to try to educate them but we should continue to try.. with or without a car park. I would suggest that punishment working on COVID ward as a domestic might drive the msg home.

  • Take the Great out of Great Britain… many with a weak, ill – disciplined attitude….me, me, me …. we’d never win another World War…too many useless, selfish, snowflake, self indulgent people we’ve created with our liberal, soft society.

  • Sick of self isolation eh? So are the rest of us. What they did last night risked their own lives and now the lives of all they come into contact with. These people are obviously suffering from the imasthickasshit virus. They should all have been shut in one large room and left to see who survives longest.

  • Hope they get viurs and get no hospital treatment as our doctors and nurses r getting sick and drying cos of thick people like them

  • These arseholes need to see a person ventilated then later watch them die. They need to hear the sorrow and devestation of the loved ones screaming and crying. Nothing enrages me more than this total give a shit about anyone but themselves. I hate them, HATE THEM. In other countries, they are beaten in the streets for less. Other countries are shooting people. The problem here is this boo hoo bloody entitled culture. Im so sick of hearing their bullshit. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO RISK OTHER PEOPLES LIVES .

  • The really worrying thing is theese are the next generation so could one day by running businesses or even the country

  • What the hell. Even my grandchildren understand why they cant do what they used to do. These idiots need to grow up. Selfish dicks

  • I hope they all die. It’ll drastically reduce the amount of “stupid gene” that is carried into 2021…

  • Selfish idiots who cant sacrifice anything for others. Enlist them all so they can be exposed to rules and discipline


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