Telford News

"We have paid several thousands of pounds to live in this area, if you are

"We have paid several thousands of pounds to live in this area, if you are renting, this explains your actions"

The shadowy 'Lawley Village Residents' have taken a dislike to the decorations outside one property in the area.

The VE Day display includes flags and bunting, but someone isn't happy, questioning the occupants parenting skills, along with their taste.

An ex-forces neighbour told Telford Live! "What's wrong with being patriotic?'. The Lawley Village Residents who wrote the letter have long memories; "This is not the first occasion…this was apparent during the world cup."

A prank, an over-reaction or are the Lawley Village Residents right?

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38 thoughts on “"We have paid several thousands of pounds to live in this area, if you are

    • If it wasn’t for soldiers celebrated by that flag these twats wouldn’t have the ability to express their idiotic opinions. Well said, Katie!

    • To the person who wrote this letter i live in horsehay and disagree with you your parenting skills are shocking that you write thos letter. Just so you know you live in Britain thats are flag if you feal are flag is offensive then i belive thats your opinion and you should keep it to yourself. Today we celebrate ve day just so you narrow minded people that live in lawley thats the day that the war ended were people died for that flag! I hope the lerson with this flag keeps it up for ever

  • I’m guessing with the amount of time spent watching your houses it’s these moaning fucks who don’t work with to much time on there hands. If you don’t like I nations culture then I suggest one of several ports that’s would kindly take you away. I’m a Vet and I say fly them with pride and if the council take measures to remove then your just as scummy as these ungrateful fucks. DO NOT take ya flags down.

  • Absolutely horrific letter and whoever wrote this should be ashamed on themselves.

    But for anyone jumping on the Islamaphobia, there is no indication as to the ethnicity nor religious beliefs of the writer of the letter.

    Have some respect for the people that very likely agree with your disgust of it but get dragged into people’s idiotic blame games

    • Oi oi tomo prowling the Shropshire star I see

    • Have some respect for those who fought and died for the freedoms we have today. History forgotten is history repeated.

  • I bet a right dosser lives here, look at the state of it, bet their kids are on drugs!

    • the state of it? someone’s needs to take a seat…

    • This letter was neither from BVT or he Lawley Village Community Association….a disgruntled resident hiding behind a title that doesn’t exist

  • Whoever lives in this house I hope you play your music so loud tomorrow, and enjoy your day to the fullest, loudest and patriotic as you can, go show the miserable, pretentious pricks that you are proud and amazing parents teaching your children the importance of their heritage…Happy VE Day Guys !!!

  • It’s wonderful. Our street is covered in bunting & flags. It’s to remember the war.

  • I’d enlighten the police to your so called letter and hope they can find who sent as they clearly haven’t got the balls to tell you face to face.

  • This is absolutely disgusting , how dare they call my nations flag disgusting. I think we should all contact the council as this is racism in the extreme. They get away with such disgusting language as it is the Union flag, would they have written that if it had been indian people celebrating say a world cup cricket win?? The answer is no so these people (Gang of Bullys) need reporting

  • Some prick with too much money by the sounds of it and I hope the “renter” is x military and kicks your unpatriotic ass xx god bless

  • Pretentiousness personified in this attrocious slaughter of the English language hiding behind their cowardly communication.
    As a proud English, British, and European person, I say fly those flags high, and proudly. Celebrate and commemorate those that brought us the rights we enjoy today with their sacrifices.

  • For someone whose “spent many thousands” buying their house, their grammar leaves something to be desired

  • To the people who have taken offence to this maybe you should consider moving to a different country.
    To the people who put the flags up THANK YOU x

  • Cover your whole house in flags, your doing a fantastic job, don’t let anyone bully you into removing the flags.

  • Keep it up. Our Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles fought bravely to make our country safe. We are proud of them and Friday will celebrate the pride and gratitude we feel for them. It doesn’t matter what you put up to celebrate them. What matters is that they are remembered.
    Whoever wrote that horrible letter must be truly ignorant of what Friday means to the rest of us. They are to be pitied for that.

  • The snobbery about people renting rather than owning is sickening. The letter also sounds like it may be from leftist agitators rather than a group of residents as I would think a house costs a hell of a lot more than “several thousands of pounds” (sic).

  • paid thousands £s to who? T &WC Leader in order he can raise his own already extortionate allowance by £5000! silly child.

  • It really doesn’t matter who wrote the letter, if they believe what they wrote they are beyond help, just ignore the ignorant


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