Home of Disgraced Telford Entrepreneur Trashed.
Home of Disgraced Telford Entrepreneur Trashed.
A huge property in the middle of Telford, owned by Entanet Founder, Jason Tsai is is in a sorry state.
A stones throw from Telford Centre, the home was purchased by Mr Tsai before his award winning tech empire came crashing down, culminating in a jail sentence for Contempt of Court.
Urbexers have been into the property and you can see the state of the place in this video tour.
Video: https://youtu.be/DJPWecSI0Co
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Yvonne Cotterill
You heard it first on #telfordultimateguide I’ll pop some drone shots up later, my uncle built the main dormer bungalow on the grounds of my grandads’s scrap yard, it was sold the owner of Tatung and then to Entanet. The second mansion was built and then linked togethet Jason also built another house across the road in a similar Romanesque style which was sold and now is a holiday let.
Someone still owns the buildings so don’t be a dick and wreck it.. the owner is long gone and still in the clink.
He also built the amazing Entanet building
This property is sold, so people please stop trespassing on this property or you will be arrested no
Ben Chaffer
Liam Edwards
Robert McCreadie
Iain Beveridge
How people live is no one else’s business.. Sad people
They’re all trespassing..causing nuisance… Wasting time to the police and security….discusting! … I dont know how youtube allows this behaviour…..AND NOW YOUR ADVERTISING IT AS EMPTY….. GREAT…..NOW MORE IDIOTS ARE GOING TO GO IN THERE !!
Urbexers? I think you you underestimate the literacy here….
George Seymour
Josh Northey
Rick Hall
Rick Hall
Natt Smithy
David Turner
Samantha Muir
Sam Foster
Ad Morris Dribbz
Riko Norton-Wilkes Cory Norton-Wilkes we should go have a mooch around
Add Woods fancy a gander
This building should be put to use, maybe a homeless shelter or something? It’s big enough!
Nancy Bellamy
Unbelievable property that, I know where it is but would never have thought all that was hidden away
Brandon Ecclestone
Josh Green
Robert Derek Wilson
Lauren Thomas Lucia Ayres Connor Tromans Kinga Gorzela Callum Williams
Dan Williams
It was an amazing house I’ve been in it when it was new. We played PlayStation games in the cinema room. Shame to see it like this
Katie Bailey
Dan Bryant
Zoe Wood
Harley Syass beautiful house
Yvonne Williams
Ummm its not owned by Tsai.Its owned by Hmrc as one of many properties seized in lue of tax owed about 17 m and rising every month.
This property is sold, so people please stop trespassing on this property or you will be arrested