Gyms: It's not working out
Gyms: It's not working out
Hot on the heels of DW Gym, now it's Places Gym on Stafford Park that is feeling the effects of Covid 19 and shutting up shop.
You may have know it as Simply Gym or even Fitness First before Places Gym took over a couple of years back. A statement on the Telford page of the Places Gym website states: "We regret to inform you that, unfortunately, and despite our best efforts Places Gym Telford will not be re-opening.
The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have placed enormous pressure upon many fitness clubs across the UK. We have been actively involved in working with our sector agency ukactive in developing the appropriate measures to ensure the safety of members, however, regrettably, re-opening with such limited capacity has made it unviable to keep open.
Many of you will have enjoyed the facilities for many years and we were very hopeful that our recent investment would create an exciting and improved fitness environment for the benefit of all our members. Sadly, the effects of pandemic have been too severe for us to continue."
If you are a customer, chin up, head over the the page: for members info.
The company has a new CEO, Paul McPartlan, who started on Monday of this week, and the employees will be heartened by his words given to Leisure Opportunities website a couple of weeks back: “Never has physical activity been more important," said McPartlan, "not only to help re-build the UK economy, but also more importantly to help individuals maintain and improve their own wellbeing.
"Places Leisure will play a key role as it navigates the re-opening of its centres, working closely with local authority partners. The future holds great opportunity for Places Leisure to shape a broader spectrum of health and wellbeing services for the communities it supports.”
So yeah…
Antonio Vendone
Rachel Kennedy is this yours?
Fitness First was the best, miss that gym, it’s where I started out training 12 years ago
Steve Bailey
Ben Walker
Paige Dixon
Karen Botwood is this yours?
Angela Parker. Did you renew?
Was a dump thats why
Daniel Kirby
As a member, it would have been nice to be told directly!
Shut down a million times that place nothing new
Kelly Hughes
Sunny Sira
Leon Moore
Connor Magrath
Becky Callan
Manpreet Chunkybutt Sandhu
Bexx Upton
I’m gutted it didnt workout
Scott Platts is this the Gym you go to? Xxx
You get all your stuff out Emmie ? xx
Covid was an excuse to shut down. It shut down because Places bought it to its knees. An excuse of a fitness company……..
Ian Walker
Olivia Bielby !!!!
Robert Frank would be devastated.
Ryan Whitehead is this where you go?
Shannon Marie Maiden
Neil Timmis
Jay Warner
5 Guys?
Becca Moore
Only the Telford branch is closing.