Telford News

A new festive event is planned for Madeley this month.

A new festive event is planned for Madeley this month.

Madeley Town Council has arranged for a ‘Makers Market’ to be hosted in Russell Square on November 27, to complement the annual Christmas lights switch-on.

“It is exciting to be launching the new Makers Market, which will feature a selection of hand-made products ranging from cookies to knitted hats, all made by local people, said the Mayor of Madeley Town Council, Councillor Sarah Chadwick.

“We are particularly proud to be able to support small local businesses and welcome them to the town.

“There will be 16 local crafters at the market displaying their wares so we hope this event will add to the festivities in Madeley this year.

“With events curtailed by the pandemic in 2020 we are hoping that local people will come out in numbers this year to enjoy Christmas in the town,” Councillor Chadwick added.

Madeley’s Christmas lights event will run from 2pm until 7pm on November 27, with three local children being selected to switch on the lights at 6.30pm.

Anyone wishing to nominate a primary school-aged child who lives in Madeley, Sutton Hill or Woodside should email including their name, address and contact number by 5pm on Wednesday 24 November 24.

The celebrations continue the following weekend, with Santa’s Christmas float touring Madeley, Sutton Hill and Woodside on December 3 and 4.

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