Telford News

Lucy Allan, MP for Telford since 2015, has been appointed to Parliament’s Health

Lucy Allan, MP for Telford since 2015, has been appointed to Parliament’s Health and Social Care Select Committee.

The role of the Committee is to provide a cross-party platform to examine health and social care provision across the UK and to produce reports detailing steps where the Government can go further to support patients and the NHS itself.

Lucy was a Non-Executive Director of a Health Trust before becoming an MP, and before that served on the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on a local Council. As an MP Lucy has been closely involved in all issues that relate to Shropshire’s healthcare provision, which has faced significant challenges on many fronts.
Lucy brings experience of liaising with key stakeholders and has first-hand insight into the challenges the NHS and social care system faces, and will continue to face, as pandemic recovery progresses. Lucy has extensive experience of serving on select committees, having been a member of the Education Select Committee during two parliaments from 2015-2019 and a member of the Women and Equalities Committee in the 2017 parliament.

Two particular areas of interests for Lucy in her new role is the leadership and culture in the NHS and to ensure patients get value for money from the new Health and Social Care Levy.

Lucy Allan MP said: “It is a great privilege to join the Health and Social Care Select Committee.
I am great admirer of the work of this Committee under the leadership of Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP. He has vast experience and his work on patient safety and fostering an open culture in order to learn from mistakes is incredibly important in improving patient care.
Cross party working in Parliament is an effective means of bringing about change and I am very much looking forward to this new challenge.”

Committee Chair, Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, said:
“Lucy has been a phenomenal campaigner for higher standards in the NHS during her time in parliament so will be a powerful and effective new member of our committee. We are really looking forward to her joining us.”


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19 thoughts on “Lucy Allan, MP for Telford since 2015, has been appointed to Parliament’s Health

  • Tomorrow, Tory MPs will show how rules do not apply to them when they reject a Standards Ctte finding that Owen Paterson committed “egregious” breaches of lobbying rules
    The same Paterson who was on Randox call to Minister involved in covid contracts.

    • If you voted Tory, you’ve only yourself to blame!!!!!!
      In Telford and around uk
      2019 election and may 2021

  • Try and book a GP appointment in Telford and it’s clear she’s not done a fat lot to help lmao

  • My concern is that Jeremy Hunt is on the committee as he is a strong advocate of selling off large parts of the NHS to companies,mainly American and we are all aware of the tragedy that befalls anyone who cant afford healthcare in the USA.
    Will Lucy Allen be an advocate for a strong home owned NHS,or a sycophant of Hunts ?

    • The later I would imagine.

  • Has Lucy Allen used the health and social care services in her own constituency?

    Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust are STILL currently in a Recovery Support Programme (RSP), previously known as ‘Special Measures’ and yet somehow she’s seen as an ambassador for the higher standards in the NHS.

    Shows that she’s in it for her career and not for the people she represents. What a shock that is!


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