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Youtuber Emmalition to speak at Creators Network

Youtuber Emmalition to speak at Creators Network

Orbit Creators Network guest speaker for April, is gaming Youtuber, Emmalition.

Shropshire-based Emma has recently hit 10K subscribers, completed a 6-month partnership with PlayStation UK, and is now working with 2K UK to promote their latest release Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Specialising in long-form content such as Let’s Plays, she brings a variety of games to her audience on YouTube.

She is passionate about building a community across YouTube and Twitter while supporting others to pursue their goals of sharing their passions for gaming.

It can be a lonely business making content, sometimes bouncing ideas off others or collabs can lead to new inspiration or less perspiration as you realise that you are not alone.

The Creators Network is a group of people at all levels of experience. You never know who you are going to meet. Talk about kit, gadgets, sound, video, sets, ideas, successes, failures and anything you like.

Tickets are free, but places are limited.

Booking here:

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