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Jubilee Parties make the most of the sunshine

Jubilee Parties make the most of the sunshine

The sun was shining on St John’s Walk in Lawley and First Avenue, Ketley today as residents and neighbours put celebration plans into action.

Tonight, a Wrekin Beacon will be lit around 9:45pm so look out for that.

On Saturday in Wellington, a special edition of the Midsummer Fayre will take place with a very special visitor making an appearance around 12noon in Market Square.

On Saturday at the Town Park, 1.30pm to 10.30pm there is a Community Picnic and Big Screen Afternoon.

Film screenings, picnics and children’s activities, proms style music concert are all on the menu for a right royal jubilee weekend at Telford Town Park on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 June. There will be food and drink vendors in the park so people can top up their picnics or just bring their chairs and picnic rugs and choose from the variety of food on offer.

If you have photos of your events, put them in the comments below.


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