Telford News

A&E Consultant backs PRH Plans

A&E Consultant backs PRH Plans

The plans to upgrade acute hospital services will see the population of Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales benefit from better quality care and fewer delays for treatment, a leading clinician has said.

Dr Ed Rysdale, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust, said the planned improvements will bring together specialist teams so that patients are seen faster, leading to a quicker diagnosis and shorter hospital stays.

Under the plans, Telford will specialise in planned care with Shrewsbury specialising in emergency care. The benefits for patients include:

• Planned care services in Telford that will be available throughout the year leading to fewer cancellations and delays for operations

• Improved emergency care services delivered from a new, purpose-built Emergency Department in Shrewsbury, meaning that patients will be seen more quickly, with shorter stays and faster ambulance handovers times

• Enhanced urgent care services which will be available 24/7 on both sites, and be delivered through a new A&E Local Model in Telford staffed by a team of health, care and community specialists

Dr Rysdale said: “These improvements will benefit all of our patients and enable us to provide the high-quality care that our patients need.

“We can’t continue as we are. Our patients regularly experience delays in accessing the right specialist teams and it is vital that our facilities support modern healthcare practices.”

Dr Rysdale added: “This represents a fantastic opportunity to optimise the delivery of our services across two thriving hospital sites.

“These changes will help us to make sure that everyone has access to the right care, at the right time, from the right clinicians when they need it most. The reconfiguration of services will also help us to attract more of the right specialist staff and to retain those we have now.”

The plans are not welcomed by Telford & Wrekin Council who last week agreed to take steps to refer the controversial hospital transformation plans to the government’s Independent Reconfiguration Panel in a bid to get the plans reconsidered.

At a Full Council Meeting on 10 November 2022, a motion restating the council’s opposition to the plans and the need for them to be changed was put forward by Councillor Andy Burford, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health and supported by elected members.

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19 thoughts on “A&E Consultant backs PRH Plans

  • As long as Wales is catered for anything east of Shrewsbury doesn’t matter….

  • A&E yesterday was horrendous over 8 hours waiting to be seen & treated and even then I think it was a case if we don’t know so go home with antibiotics! People everywhere, doesn’t help that some had numerous guests with them using seats!! New system on entering but still have to check in? Only one triage room being used most of the time. We need a bigger better A&E not smaller or taken away! Wake up and do the correct thing and make PRH a bigger hospital

  • Mark Pritchard and Lucy Allan speak up for your constituents! Telford needs an A&E! Hundreds of houses being built, less spin and more action from you!

  • It’s a funny thing – but closing an A&E doesn’t create capacity, doesn’t magic up more doctors and nurses, doesn’t result in more hospital beds to get people moving out of A&E and onto the wards, and doesn’t sort out the catastrophic lack of social care that stops people being discharged from hospital when they’re ready. So we end up with complete gridlock, ambulances queuing up outside PRH and RSH – and people being harmed and dying.
    Future Fit has always been a cuts project and still is. Absolutely ludicrous. I’d have a bit more respect for Ed if he started lobbying for decent funding for the NHS and social care, instead of churning out ‘spin’. We’re losing the NHS here.

  • GPS need to start being fined and also fine people who give less than 3 hours notice of not being able to attend unless there’s an emergency. If GP’s have been contacted about a problem and have not provided the right treatment or referred them to the appropriate service they should also face fines for that.

  • Really looking forwards to the ambulance wait times when they have to travel all the way to Shrewsbury and back to A&E

  • Anyone else smell bull s:£t? Maybe a touch of silver has crossed a palm or two here! It’s utter madness!

  • Madness it certainly is – this acute/elective model is outdated and seen not to work years ago, so why pursue it still? All that will happen is standards drop further as bigger queues at RSH A&E and more people dying outside or en route.

  • Sat in A&E PRH for 9 hours with a 3 year old with other mums an kids all waiting an we had to b given blankets as it was cold Absolutely disgusting an this was by ambulance as well. She had to b admitted as she was very poorly bless her it was very tiring experience.

  • The God of Government, to save money, but sacrifice the lives and well being of the people of Telford and Wrekin.

  • No, Telford would be the largest town in the UK without emergency facilities, if wales needs hospitals then it should build one

  • I think people need to take responsibility and only use A&E appropriately. However if they go ahead with this plan it’s utter madness

  • I just Got paid $10950 Working Off my laptop This month. And if you think that’s Cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 15500 her first Month. It feels so Good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do…>>>

  • Would Dr Rysdale feel the same, if he had a loved one stuck on the M54 in an ambulance behind a lane closing accident? A loved one who had been taken seriously ill in Shropshires largest townTelford, with the ambulance stuck, unable to leave the motorway past the Wellington turn-off ?

  • Dr as joke lives in cuckoo land wait till there is 20 ambulance at Shrewsbury and how the fcuk do Telford residents get to shrewsbury at 2am

  • I can understand that, my objection is to the womens and children’s unit moving. We are a young,expanding population over here. Back to babies being born in a lay-by on the A5.


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