Telford News

Barratt Homes acquires land in Telford

Barratt Homes acquires land in Telford

Planning permission has been secured as part of a brand new housing development for Barratt Homes in Telford.

Set in Apley, the development will feature a mixture of two, three and four bedroom properties suitable for a wide range of buyers, all of which will be expertly designed to suit the needs and demands of modern day living.

The site seeks to provide 106 new homes of various property styles, with works to commence in summer 2023.

Having recently achieved its set target for the installation of swift bricks at its developments across the UK, Barratt Homes will also look to incorporate bird boxes, hedgehog highways, bat boxes and insect hotels at its new development.

Adrian Evans, Managing Director at Barratt Homes West Midlands, said: “Being given the green light to draw up plans for this development moves us closer to delivering more properties to eager homebuyers in Shropshire.

“Whilst we are looking forward to beginning the build, our priority is now processing the mandatory details and presenting our plans for the site to local homebuyers. This work will supply a boost to the region and provide new opportunities for those looking to take the next step on the property ladder.”

The site is not far from the enlarged Doctors surgery at Shawbirch.

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25 thoughts on “Barratt Homes acquires land in Telford

  • I will be surprised if the hedgehog highways or bat boxes even materialise, in my experience, they don’t happen. We were promised the same on our site & they didn’t happen. Builders promise the earth to get their plans through then they disappear due to financial constraints down the line.

  • So we can’t get a doctors or hospital appointment, there’s delays peak times, roads flood because the drainage is out of date/in disrepair. Yet more houses are ‘needed?’
    Stop the idiocy of open borders and benefits for foreign nationals, repatriate the dinghy people and those with no special skills and we won’t have a ‘housing crisis.’

  • Green belts disappearing at an alarming rate, for houses only the rich can afford

    • This isn’t green belt, it is an old factory site therefore brownfield.

  • Why for buyers why not council houses bungalows that’s what need more and if bring more people in Telford don’t forget hospital doctors t that will be needed

  • More houses for people out of Telford area to buy , meanwhile no social housing for families tht need them … Shite houses aswell tbh

  • More badly built boxes, shoehorned into a plot too small for the number of houses. Maximum profit, minimum quality. Will they have adequate parking, with charging points for EVs?

  • Welcome to the real world here in East London it’s become a concrete jungle roads are grid locked can’t see a GP children having to travel miles for a school ,but hey let’s let people just pour into to our over burdened country,

  • Prince Charles said years ago. When he was a prince. It won’t be long before the UK will become a concrete jungle.

  • What about building homes that the people who were born in telford can actually move into at affordable prices instead of them having to pay sky high private rents that greedy landlords keep putting up,,, but no that wont happen as its all about the money,,,, whats that saying???, charity begins at home,,,,,, ha not anymore it dont,,

  • They’ve already damaged the nature that was living/growing there when they dug it up last year

  • Another step on the way to becoming the new Wolverhampton. Way too many houses being built.

  • How about putting solar panels on the roof Adrian Evans? A win win all round for the planet and people’s wallets.

  • Meanwhile I’ve got two adults living at home but the current salaries do not allow them to acquire there own property house prices and bills too high for them

  • Take it they are also building new doctors and dentists and schools ? Obviously this has been considered due the lack of these services . . .

  • Tbf there is social housing here.. 20% of all new estates must be dedicated to social housing. This has benefited me who was born / bred in Telford and has now found an affordable shared ownership home here. So it’s not all bad , although of course there’s always privileged people who hate us hard working lower income folk..


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