Telford News

Huge losses for Shropshire Star parent business

Huge losses for Shropshire Star parent business

Midland News Association reported pre-tax losses of almost £1.7m compared to £385k the year before according to industry website HoldtheFrontPage.

With falling revenues and circulation figures the organisation recently stopped printing in Telford and sold the Ketley factory and offices, moving staff into rented offices.

The annual report also stated that 17 members of staff had been made redundant.

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21 thoughts on “Huge losses for Shropshire Star parent business

  • Very unfortunate situation, particularly for those employees of Midland News Association. Lots of good people there going through a tough time. 🙁

  • I used to like the newspaper but the articles started getting terribly written with days old news copied from other newspapers , then it got to expensive for what it was so I stopped buying it .

  • lets be honest, it’s not surprising… the standard of ‘journalism’ in that rag has been lower than the Sun for years. And why pay to read yesterdays news on paper when you can read it as it happens on the internet.

    Maybe if they made their website more user friendly people would actually use it, but currently there are far better news sources out there.

  • The actual paper was always eventually going to go in this new digital age. Last time I bought it, it was more expensive for less pages which contained most adverts.

  • The £1.7m loss is due to them killing the goose that laid the golden egg. That goose was the revenue from the Estate Agents who advertised in the Shrewsbury Chronicle and Telford Journal. One agent I spoke to said they were paying over £100,000 per year. Multiply that by the number of Estate Agents and that’s the loss. I understand that a meeting of all Agents decided en-mass to withdraw all advertising. Midland News just kept increasing the price month on month.

  • Not surprised when there’s less pages price disgusting and news from day before delivered at shop at six in morning

  • I just Got paid $10950 Working Off my laptop This month. And if you think that’s Cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 15500 her first Month. It feels so Good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.
    This is what I do…>>>

  • Snip snip, shropshire star good for fire starter material, google search for news now much better. And it’s free

  • How will we be able to see pictures and read exciting stories from the Council Leader and his Deputy, if the Star folds?

  • Blatant lies on here by journalists No wonder they are going out of business And the Cost of This Paper and there Advertising costs amis a joke

    Good Riddance to this assosiation


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