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Back to Yule

This time, it’s Morrisons.

The queues outside Bakers Uniform shop are stretching up New Street. Grumpy parents tut and shuffle about how much their offsping have grown and why they need to buy a Rugby shirt for Merlot when she’s going to be a Make Up Youtuber, and yet here we are in aisle two.

The Christmas display creeping into the supermarket when we are still in August is something that I’ll never get used to.

It’s starts with the tins, now plastic of course, of chocolates and the repackaged confectionery. There is nothing like slapping a few stars and a bit of snow on the wrapper of your favourite sweets to get you in a festive mood. We just know that the litre bottles of Gaviscon and Advoccat are just a couple of weeks away, closely followed by Slade over the in-store radio.

Merry Christmas, everybody.

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