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100% pass rate for bricklaying students

Bricklaying students at Telford College are celebrating a 100% pass rate in their latest exams.

More than three quarters of the 20-strong group achieved either a merit or a distinction in their ‘principles of building construction’ test – with one student recording a perfect score.

Staff said they were ‘incredibly proud’ of how hard the students, who are in the second year of their level two bricklaying course, had worked.

The 100% score was recorded by 17-year-old Kyle Shaw, who became the first Telford College bricklaying student to ever achieve maximum marks in this exam. 

The former Telford Priory School student said: “When I chose to come to Telford College I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, but now I’ve picked the bricklaying course I’m really enjoying it.

“I thought at the end of the exam that I might be on for a pretty good mark, but when I found out I’d got 100% I was really proud of myself. The work I have put in has paid off.”

He added: “When I leave here I would like to follow something in the trade, either taking a job as a bricklayer on site or moving onto university to get a further qualification. I haven’t quite decided yet.

“To anyone considering enrolling on this bricklaying course at Telford College, I’d say it will really suit you if you are a more practically-based person. There is written work too, though, and you have to learn a lot of theory behind the jobs that we do.” 

Stephen O’Donoghue, one of the college’s construction tutors, said: “We’re incredibly proud of this group. They have put a lot of hard work into preparing for this exam, and have got their rewards.

“It’s not just the exam itself, it’s the revision and homework they have done to prepare themselves, and the notes they have taken in class.

“This latest exam is not easy, so for Kyle to have achieved 100%, and for so many of the other students to have recorded merits or distinctions, is a fantastic achievement.”

For more details about Telford College’s level two bricklaying courses, see

Pic: Kyle Shaw, who scored 100% in his exam

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