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Local charity grants on offer

Telford and Wrekin Sports And Recreation Trust Community Grant Funding is open for grant applications from community organisations to help people of all ages start well, live well and age well.

‘Telford Trust’ is an independent charity offering the opportunity for funding to new and existing community projects. Are you part of a not-for-profit organisation within Telford and Wrekin? If so you can now apply for a ‘Telford Trust’ community grant to fund or grow community-based physical activity, to help people all ages and abilities to start well, live well and age well. 

The grant will cater especially for projects which focus on residents of all ages who face the greatest risks of poor health and disadvantages, to increase activity and improve local people’s physical, emotional, social health and wellbeing. 

Councillor Paul Watling Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health Systems, Telford & Wrekin Council Health & Wellbeing Board member said “If you are involved with a not-for-profit organisation, I’d like to encourage you to find out more about this great opportunity from Telford Trust to either create a new project or ensure an existing project will have the funds to continue thanks to a successful grant application.  You could benefit from up to £2,000 and then share an amazing opportunity for the community to get involved and do something positive for their health. There are specifics of what the grant can be used for so please do, find out more and if you have any questions you can ask by using the contact details below.” 

Grants are on offer for between £600 – £2,000 for projects that enable Telford and Wrekin residents to:  

·         achieve and maintain a healthy weight 

·         improve their emotional wellbeing and mental health 

·         become less lonely and better connected in their community 

·         become more physically active 

·         build community capacity for example through volunteering 

·         use outdoor green spaces for physical activity 

·         improve their physical health now and in the future 

For full details of the grant scheme see the website.

To discuss your ideas or find out more about the upcoming grant fund please email 

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