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The Pickerings Christmas display is fast becoming an Annual Telford must-see.

This year the display has been inspired by a certain young Wizard, and is in no way associated with any book or film.

Now we’ve thrown the copyright lawyers off the scent, Ryan Pickering explains why they do it.”We’ve created a big display every year. We have a family tradition since losing our Dad 5 years ago and we’ve done it ever since in memory of him, bigger and brighter every year.

“Over the past 5 years we’ve raised over £15,000 for Telford Mind and the British Heart Foundation. This year we have decided to support two special charity’s close to our hearts – Love From George & ADA Foundations.

“So far the response and support h 1as been absolutely incredible and we can’t thank everyone enough for their generosity.”The display is located at my brothers house this year at 23 Manor Road Dawley Telford.”

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