Telford News

Three year High Street ban for threatening staff

A man known for terrorising people on a Telford high street has been handed a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) at court.

Liam Thomas, of no fixed abode, was given the CBO at Staffordshire Magistrates Court on Friday (January 17), which bans him from entering Dawley High Street and Eyton Stores in Dawley.

Officers applied for the CBO following numerous reports that the 43-year-old had been terrorising members of the public in Dawley, as well as threatening staff at Eyton Stores.

Thomas’ CBO is due to run until January 17, 2028. If he fails to comply with the order, which was requested by officers from Dawley’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, Thomas could face up to five years in prison.

Sergeant Alexandra Webb, from Dawley’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “This CBO has been issued following numerous offences that Thomas has committed within Dawley.

“Thomas’ behaviour has had a detrimental effect on the local community and many of the public have told us they are scared to go to Dawley High Street due to the likelihood of him being there and causing issues.

“The order also means that Thomas, who frequently attends Eyton Stores and is abusive and threatening to staff, cannot enter the shop for the next three years.

“By imposing these conditions on Thomas we hope it will offer the community some respite from his behaviour and reassurance that they can use the facilities within the area without fear of him being present.”

A CBO is a civil order designed to tackle the most serious and persistent anti-social individuals. The powers to issue a CBO are contained in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, where behaviour has found to have caused alarm, distress or harassment.

Sergeant Webb, added: “CBOs are extremely effective and should Thomas breach the conditions of the order given to him at court, he will be arrested and returned to court, where he could face a prison-term.”

Anyone who sees Thomas in Dawley High Street, the store, or committing an offence they should report it to police immediately.

Pic: West Mercia Police

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