Cycling & walking schemes set for cash boost
Telford & Wrekin Council has secured almost £700,000 from Government to make walking, wheeling and cycling more accessible and provide people with more choices as to how they travel around the borough.
Funding of £677,926 has been allocated to the council from the Active Travel Fund 2025/26.
Simply put, active travel involves using your body and being physically active to make a journey and is great for healthier lifestyles.
The money will ‘support local transport authorities with developing and constructing walking, wheeling and cycling facilities in England’, with revenue funding supporting network planning and early scheme design plus community engagement and training activities.
Councillor Ollie Vickers, (Lab) Cabinet Member for the Economy said: “We are lucky in Telford and Wrekin as we can walk, wheel or cycle to most places and it’s such an easy way to stay healthy and even easier to fit into your lifestyle.
“Living in a town designed for cars means active travel may not be our first thought but the benefits that come from this kind of travel are so beneficial for health and well-being, we should be rethinking and trying to do this as often as possible.”
This funding means more money to support walking, wheeling and cycling facilities across the borough and supports the priorities and campaigns set out in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan and provides more choice or both residents and visitors.
Following receipt of this funding, council officers will work closely with elected members, communities and Active Travel England to determine how best to allocate the funding to protect care and invest to achieve a sustainable future for residents.