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Brookside Community Centre history project

Brookside and history are two words that you would not normally see together, but Scott Saunders, a volunteer at the centre, is keen to dig into its past.

I took a trip down memory lane this week to Brookside Community Centre.

Back in the 1980s, school lunches meant taking your dinner money to Arthurs Chippy on Brookside for 20p worth of chips, and 3 goes on the Galaxian game.

Some days, it was a 20p plate of chips at the community centre, and 3 goes on Donkey Kong or Crazy Climber.

Where was the Jamie Oliver for our generation?

Brookside Centre in the 80s looked a lot different. ‘The Tunnel’ – a covered shopping area providing shelter for those visiting the centre – kept the rain out and the smell of weed and wee in.

It’s not like that now. The redevelopment of the centre, the Big Local project, has transformed the area.

Scott has volunteered at the centre for 10 years. He told me how it’s now home to fishing groups, church groups, and a childrens nursery. There are community rooms for hire, a cafe, funzone, and two youth groups.

A food pantry and collection point for food parcels, energy vouchers, internet access, photocopying.

Residents can get help filling out forms, blood pressure checks, and the Citizens Advice Bureau hold regular sessions.

Scotts’ latest project to gather information about its history. There is surprisingly little information about the place from its initial building in the 1970s through to the 2000s.

He applealed for help. “If anyone has any old photos, programmes, or memories about the centre, I want to capture those for a display later this year, which will document the timelime.”

Any offers of help, Scott can be contacted by email Saladdoddger@hotmail.com

pic: Scott outside the centre

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