Telford. Swapping books for beer?
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s been an interesting few months looking at the repercussions of government grant cuts in Telford. Back in January,…
Read moreNews in Telford, Shropshire
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s been an interesting few months looking at the repercussions of government grant cuts in Telford. Back in January,…
Read moreThis will leave Granville and Halesfield as the only CRCs for 170,000 population. Do you think this will increase or decrease the likelyhood of flytipping?
Read moreTelford MP Lucy Allan has criticised the announcement that Future Fit will only be implemented at the by earliest by 2021.
Read moreTelford & Wrekin Council’s Job Box programme and the Army will mark National Apprenticeship Week (14–18 MAR) when they host The Apprenticeship Show.
Read moreUpdate: Baby found! Officers were called shortly before 3pm today after receiving a report that a 9-week old baby boy had been taken from his home address, Manor Road in Arleston, Telford.
Read moreFOI or Freedom of Information act is designed to give ordinary people a chance to get a question answered by…
Read moreAnother Telford supermarket concerned about their car parks being abused is planning on installing ANPR parking cameras to improve access for shoppers.
Read moreParking in Market Street, Wellington has just become easier following a surprise move by owners, Wilkinsons.
Read moreThe first group of Staff Nurses recruited from the Philippines have started work at Telford’s acute hospital.
Read moreNo, it’s not Inuit for ‘Welcome’ or ‘Merry Christmas’ but a solar phenomenon that lights up the northern skies.
Read moreEE are recalling all EE Power Bars as a precaution as some of them have been overheating.
Read moreTelford & Wrekin Budget 2016. During January, the council are asking residents to come up with suggestions for saving cash.
Read moreCode Club is a not for profit organisation backed by big hitters like Google, Nominet and Samsung and they want to help kids in Telford learn how to program computers.
Read moreThe waiting room now depicts a farm yard scene and an injection of insects while the consultation room has been turned into a magical underwater tranquil setting.
Read moreLets not kid ourselves, Telford is a pretty safe place to live but in August, according to the helpful Crime Map supplied by the Police there were around 1500 crimes reported.
Read moreAnother new store is set to open in Telford Shopping Centre as plus fashion specialists ‘Yours Clothing’ opens in October.
Read moreLast week, Telford & Wrekin Council issued an ‘offer of help’ to Syrian Refugees.
Read moreHMV, the music, dvd and games store is making a return to Telford Shopping Centre later this month and are looking for staff.
Read moreWhat the politicians won’t tell you about A&E in Telford.
Read moreTake your seat at the Telford & Wrekin Full Council Meeting. Live coverage from the Whitehouse Hotel starts at 6:30pm,…
Read moreWellington’s Charlton Arms Hotel has lain empty for almost ten years but a £300k injection from Telford & Wrekin Council could awaken the beast.
Read moreThat big patch of green between Nandos, Premier Inn, Mimosa, Coal, Ice Rink & the lake is destined to be council housing.
Read moreThe battle for Telford & The Wrekin in May 2015.
Read moreDon’t miss a single thing. Election coverage in Telford like never before.
Read moreFind out more about your candidates, their policies and their plans for Telford and The Wrekin. This live broadcast commences at 5:30pm 21/04/15 from Telford.
Read moreI’m not standing for election. I don’t belong to any party. I see things, and I comment on them. Generally,…
Read moreOver the next few weeks, I’ll be running themes like Welfare, Europe, Jobs, NHS, Economy so you can put your questions, comments, hopes & fears, culminating in live coverage of the count on the night.
Read moreSadly, on Saturday, a man in his forties fell to his death from the new car park at Southwater. This is clearly a terribly sad event for family, friends and relations. It’s also turned into a Telford hate-fest, thanks to the sensationalist and ghoulish media coverage, fuelled by social media.
Read moreSouthwater. A £250m development at the shopping centre including a mix of restaurants, a hotel, a cinema and a library with a council office.
Read morePupils at a Telford school have failed to let England’s World Cup loss dampen their spirits and have instead given…
Read moreA charity helping voluntary and community groups in Telford and Wrekin has signed up to a lottery-style fundraising initiative giving…
Read moreWatch live from 6pm and comment on twitter using #twbudget
Read moreTelford & Wrekin Council is to hold a public exhibition as a part of the formal consultation for plans to build a publicly funded solar farm in the borough.
Read moreIt’s just a simple one. A plea to those who tweet and post on facebook. Think hard before you use…
Read moreTelford & Wrekin Council’s decision to give planning permission to a controversial faith academy and to a travellers’ site in…
Read moreBreaking down is never a pleasant experience – especially on the motorway. It’s even worse if you have to wait…
Read moreA drop-in event for people interested in Learning Disability nursing is being co-hosted by the University of Wolverhampton.
Read moreHaving been dubbed ‘irrelevant’ by leading Labour activist and ex-Telford and Wrekin Borough Council cabinet member Cllr Clive Elliot just…
Read moreAs i watched the satellite news trucks ease out of Wellington Police Station car park on Friday night, I took…
Read moreI read a little while back that Sweden had a twitter account, @sweden , and they started to allow citizens to take over the account for a week and tweet what the hell they liked. Those that had a go were doing great until one week, it all went toes up. Could Telford triumph where Sweden didn’t.
Read moreThe National Childbirth Trust (NCT) Bumps and Babes group for Telford and Wrekin, in partership with Positive Safety Training is…
Read moreWow, these come round quick! Another Council Meeting at 6pm on 2nd May and one that promises to be a…
Read moreHere are 5 FACTS about how your money was spent in Feb 2013
Read moreEarlier this year, we decided to try and create a stir with a April Fools prank that would reach across the whole of Telford.
Read moreUPDATE: Mark who runs the excellent blog filmed this event and has painstakingly annotated the video so you can…
Read moreOf course, there are still people living in the area who remember Madeley before developers decided it needed to be buried in blocks of concrete in the 60’s.
Read moreThe Shropshire Star is paper that locals love to hate, but will printing tweets improve the quality of local news?
Read moreThe EP, Eastern Primary, A442, Dawley-Donnington Distributor Road, Queensway. Good or bad?
Read moreWellington’s Clifton Cinema hasn’t turned a projector wheel in anger for a good few years now. Long empty, Dunelm expanded their fabric store into the ground floor in the 1990’s but vacated the cinema and the retail shop next door in the Autumn 2012.
Read moreAs he put some paperwork down on the table I noticed immediately that the man was Adrian Blackshaw, the Conservative candidate for West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner.
Read moreAlthough most people have heard of the Samaritans many do not really know what we do. We are a listening service open to anyone with no advanced booking or waiting lists, our phone lines are open 24 hours a day 365 days a year, so no one ever need feel that they have no one to talk to.
Read moreAs the 15th of November and the West Mercia Police & Crime Commissioner elections draw closer, the candidates came to Meeting Point House in Telford.
Read moreBig changes are afoot for how West Mercia Police is going to be run. We’ve outlined what’s happening and quick overview of the candidates in our own inimitable style!
Read moreBosses at a Telford company have donated £25,000 of materials to owners of one of the most visited sites on the Great War battlefields where 20,000 people lost their lives.
Read moreCitadel is a forcewide initiative aimed at driving down the number of burglaries & crime committed in Telford
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