Tell your Story
We love to hear your Telford stories. If you want to contribute to the site please read the 2 minute guide and then get writing. If you just want to suggest a person we should interview, or think you should be interviewed, then you can let us know here too.
Submitting your Article, Review or Interview
Ideal length is around 200 to 500 words for a single article or review. We cannot accept reviews of your own business I’m afraid, and we haff vays of finding you out! Why not ask for someone to visit your premises to do a review? We do accept free stuff or payment to do reviews and we declare that on the review.
If you are a charity and want to let people know about about an event that’s happening, then take a look here.
Each one needs a photo really. Minimum width 600px but anything bigger we can crop down. If you don’t have a photo, we have access to a library of Telford photos so we can probably find something suitable so just ask if you are struggling. We’d rather have the article and find a pic for you, than no article.
Don’t worry if you think your English isn’t up to scratch. We have volunteers with spell check.
If there is an interesting subject that’s far too long to be edited down, we might think about doing a series of articles around that subject, so submit it anyway.
Here are few ideas if you are short on inspiration for an article:
Find someone you think will be interesting to email interview like a local author/celeb/business person/sports person. Ask them some interesting questions, then send them to us.
Finally, two golden rules.
1) It must have a connection to Telford!
2) We won’t publish a blatant advert for your business. If you want to advertise – click here
Go on, fill in the boxes boxes below, and blow us away!
Although we cannot promise to publish everything we get, we promise that a human will acknowledge every one. Any questions? email
A range of traffic management measures have been put in place to ensure that Wellington can get back to business after lockdown.
Retailers and businesses from the town recently discussed the issues at a ‘virtual meeting’ chaired by Wellington Mayor Anthony Lowe and attended by Telford & Wrekin Council public protection officers and highways department.
Anthony Lowe commented: “A good number of Wellington businesses attended – it was important that they were involved in the decisions made – their views were sought and listened to.
“The main message from Wellington Town Council is that public safety is key. Shoppers can return to the town in the knowledge that we are doing everything we can to ensure this, as well as helping businesses to get back to normal.
“Love Wellington is running a ‘Lets get Local’ campaign, with the emphasis on encouraging people to use our local businesses, so we hope the traffic measures will support this.”
The steps include putting signs indicating where the car parks are throughout the town; removing restrictions on Walker Street so that traffic can use the road as normal; re-instating Market St loading and disabled bays; keeping a pop-up cycle lane on Church St from the T junction with Vineyard Rd; installing new planters at Vineyard Rd/Church St to emphasize the new one-way traffic and pop-up cycle lane and dissuade traffic from using Church St and promoting four new disabled spaces at top of station approach.
The meeting also agreed that a tougher approach should be taken to illegal parking, with fines being handed out for infringements.
Businesses have been invited to a review meeting on 21 July 6pm – to be run virtually by Wellington Town Council
VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE… THIS VEHICLE WAS DISCOVERED RESULTING FROM MY SCROUNGING THROUGH MY OLD ( and I mean OLD) CAR AND CAR CONVERSIONS MAGAZINES ,obviously retained from when I owned an IMP, which transitioned from family car to rallycross/gymkhana to dedicated rally car….indeed was agent for Derrington in Melbourne Australia….. Imps virtually non existent in Aus now, the last 2 racing killed off in motorsport from covid epidemic… certainly none on road and not seen in car shows or shows . cannot recall any kit cars of imp base being built though maybe interstate might have had someone build as project..
there is an imp gathering/lunch in outer Melbourne hotel this sunday, and will bring copied pages for them to view. possibly enlightening them of the impbased k19
john grist >>>>( incidently am aware that there was/is a motorsport commentator with same surname….. no relation though that I am aware)